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The UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development

17 Goals. 15 Years. ONE planet

In September 2015 all 193 of the UN’s member states committed unanimously to 17 Global Goals to achieve three extraordinary things in the next 15 years.  End extreme poverty.  Fight inequality & injustice.  Fix climate change. The Global Goals for sustainable development could get these things done.  In all countries.  For all people.  If the Goals are going to work, everyone needs to know about them.


We have AGREEMENT on Climate Change

In December 2015, and after 21 years of negotiation, 195 countries agreed a framework to limit temperature rises to less than 2°C and ideally 1.5°C.


This agreement establishes a clear path to decarbonise the global economy within the lifetimes of many people alive today, reaping the benefits of accelerated infrastructure investment, cleaner air, greater security and a growing low carbon global economy.


Growth and social responsibility are INSEPARABLE goals

Many, many commercial organisations already support the Global Goals for sustainable development.  For Example:  World Business Council for Sustainable Development.


The WBCSD’s purpose is to make sustainable living commonplace.  Members are developing new business practices that both grow their companies and communities, meeting people's desire for more sustainable products.


Companies like Unilever are integrating individual responsibility for action and social movement, and their corporate social responsibility for sustainability.  For Example: The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan will help it double the size of Unilever while reducing its environmental footprint and increasing its positive social impact.  It is working in partnerships where it can help change things.


Paying for Nature and eliminating poverty will
GROW your business

We are all at a turning point in history where we all need to change for human life on the planet to continue to prosper.


The business world and its customers 15, 30 years out will comprise citizens who will ‘remember the greatest thing mankind has achieved’.

It makes both social and economic sense for everybody!


Become a Global CITIZEN

What age will your children or grandchildren be in 2050?  They will inherit Earth.  There is NO planet B.


Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that wants to solve the world’s biggest challenges.


Reaching for Sustainable Development

Living well and within the means of Nature is not out of our reach.  Our world is truly an extraordinary place but it needs a helping hand in order to save us!


We will need to change life styles, which will be a social, technological and political journey to the mid-century, 2050:

  • Stabilising the population in a low carbon world.

  • Feeding a 9B world with sustainable food.

  • Building 2/3rds of the cities we still need for sustainable living.

  • Manage biodiversity effectively, build resilience & benefit economically.

  • Recycling everything, and wasting nothing.

The Global Carbon Project

Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change

10 minute slide show

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